Altered Books
Artist Statement
Cage and Key
There are a lot of things in this world that deserve caring about. I focus a lot on controversial issues, stating clear opinions through art, being rather combative with the viewer. Social advocacy is the cornerstone of my art; past, present, and future. As an aspiring art therapist, mental health advocacy is my passion. Stigma is a steel cage, and art can be our key. My work centers around breaking down the stigma of mental illness, showcasing the differentiation between social views and reality through the medium of multiple altered books. This draws me back to my art therapy roots, as altered books can be a very useful tool with clients.
This series, Cage and Key, revolves around showing the relationship between beauty and struggle, stigma and reality, persona and authenticity. Stigma can destroy people's worlds, force them to refuse to seek treatment, and greatly damage any hope of recovery. With influences as diverse as social justice advocacy and personal experiences, what begins as a mundane book is transformed into a confident expression of values, opinion, and hope through layers upon layers of media, ranging anywhere from paint to wire. The reality in the experience of each mental disorder is brought to life through rips, folds, and hollowed out paper inside each book, while the outside covers show a detailed collage of the social stigma associated. I use a Dremel tool to drill my point in, tearing through pages to open up various areas of artistic opportunity, or sometimes sewing into my pages as an act of repair to the damage that stigma has caused. Every single scrap of paper represents an integral part of the mission to change social stigma and advocate for those in need.
Ever since I was a teenager I have been fascinated by social justice issues and debate surrounding mental health. My art reflects my core values, showcasing them in a unique way that stands true to my art therapy background. Some of my core values are to stand strong and defend what deserves defending as well as authenticity, staying true to my reality and showcasing my inner self and what I truly care about out to the world.